AMLO’s Final Act
The Mexican president has built his durable popularity by combining traditionally left- and right-wing policies and positions.
The Mexican president has built his durable popularity by combining traditionally left- and right-wing policies and positions.
AMLO has performed a tightrope walk as president, balancing the opposing tendencies of populism: the extension of democracy and the strengthening of personal leadership. Has he begun to wobble?
The Mexican president continues to decry neoliberalism, but his government is failing to build an effective alternative to it.
La llegada de AMLO a la presidencia generó sentimientos de esperanza, entusiasmo y renovación en México. Hoy, hay una creciente inquietud de que su gobierno no es capaz de realizar los cambios que los mexicanos necesitan urgentemente.
When AMLO took office there was a sense of hope, enthusiasm, and renewal. Today, there is a growing sense of unease about whether his administration can deliver the changes that Mexicans so desperately need.