The Moon: Enough is Enough 
So we have left footprints on the face of the moon. An admirable feat. We can congratulate ourselves, we can be proud, we have shown that it can be done. Most likely, it had to be done even though the …
So we have left footprints on the face of the moon. An admirable feat. We can congratulate ourselves, we can be proud, we have shown that it can be done. Most likely, it had to be done even though the …
So we have left footprints on the face of the moon. An admirable feat. We can congratulate ourselves, we can be proud, we have shown that it can be done. Most likely, it had to be done even though the …
About 50,000 Americans are dope addicts; a quarter of a million children between 7 and 17 are arraigned in juvenile courts each year, and 1,-750,000 serious crimes are committed by adults; 18 per cent of the draftees rejected by the …