Democratic Stirrings in Bulgaria  

Bands of roughly dressed country folk were marching—or sliding—along the icy streets of Sofia with the Bulgarian tricolor in their hands. Their placards denounced the “decision of December 29,” called for a general strike, and demanded a referendum on “the …

Roger Baldwin 1884 – 1981  

Roger Baldwin was one of those extraordinary men who leave a permanent imprint on their society. His death at age 97 last summer left behind an America significantly more tolerant of dissent and more open to change because of his …

Civil Liberties: To Hell in a Basket?  

Are the rights and liberties of the American people being sent to hell in a basket? Or do they stand relatively secure, unaffected by “law and order” counter-pressures? Social and political tensions have been mounting through the late ’60s. For …

Problems in the ACLU  

Michael Harrington’s article in the March-April DISSENT admirably presents the moral-political issues involved in various forms of “resistance.” The American Civil Liberties Union has recently been compelled to grapple with these same problems from its own special angle. Which practices …

First Hearing on “Subversive List”  

EIGHT YEARS AGO the Truman administration issued the first list of governmentally proscribed organizations in American history. At the time the Attorney General’s “subversive list” was published, the proscription was supposed to extend only to government jobs for persons who …