The Passions of Max Eastman
One of the “hottest radicals” of the early twentieth century, Max Eastman is now largely left out of the pantheon of the left. Can we still learn from this idiosyncratic editor today?
One of the “hottest radicals” of the early twentieth century, Max Eastman is now largely left out of the pantheon of the left. Can we still learn from this idiosyncratic editor today?
We can appreciate the positive changes LBJ’s Great Society programs brought about without downplaying their weaknesses in conception and execution.
Henry Wallace’s 1948 Presidential Campaign and the Future of Postwar Liberalism by Thomas W. Devine University of North Carolina Press, 2013, 408 pp. Henry A. Wallace’s campaign for the presidency in 1948, amid the intense political battles of the immediate …
The Warmth of Other Suns: The Epic Story of America’s Great Migration by Isabel Wilkerson Random House, 2010, 640 pp. In the year or so before Woodrow Wilson’s administration took the United States into the Great War raging in Europe, …