Tom Paine, Radical Democrat  

Much of American political history can be interpreted as a long series of deliberate betrayals of some of the ideals that inspired most of the troops that fought and won our War of Independence. While they were fighting, these ideals …

The Homing Pigeons of Algiers  

When the cease-fire after eight years of war in Algeria was at last announced on March 17th, no sirens screamed in Paris, no anxious mothers fell down on their knees to pray in the streets, no crowds foregathered to burst …

The Case for Delinquency  

it is believed in New York that Puerto-Rican immigration is one of the main causes of the city’s rapidly increasing juvenile delinquency. In London, a similar social phenomenon has been attributed, at various times and in various neighborhoods, to the …

Letter from Algeria  

When Lord Acton declared that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely, he may not have been thinking of the slave economy of 18th-century plantations, nor of the kind of peonage that much of 19th-century colonialism still implied. But his …