Hannah Arendt’s Reflections Editors: In the Winter 1959 issue of DISSENT, Miss Hannah Arendt quotes in the preliminary statement to her article, “Reflections on Little Rock,” some remarks I made about Negroes being less interested in abolishing laws against miscegenation …
Editors: Have you read Galbraith’s Affluent Society? I don’t know what your plans are for dealing with it in DISSENT, [see p. 84] but I do know that it strikes me as a piece of wrong-headed smugness which deserves the …
READERS OF DISSENT will know Edouard Roditi as an occasional contributor on Islamic problems. Others will remember him as an American poet and critic of literature and art. Born in Paris of an American family that has resided there for …
Role of the Scientists Editors: So much in Edward Speyer’s article, “Scientists in A Bureaucratic Age” [DISSENT, Summer 1957] is merely implied, so many half-truths are only half voiced, that it is difficult to know where to start taking issue. …
Role of the Scientists Editors: So much in Edward Speyer’s article, “Scientists in A Bureaucratic Age” [DISSENT, Summer 1957] is merely implied, so many half-truths are only half voiced, that it is difficult to know where to start taking issue. …
Having digested the current issue of DISSENT in the comparative isolation of Puerto Rico, I am moved to sum up impressions on the publication’s relevance in the last two years. A lot of theoretical debris has been cleared away. Issues …
True enough the Ford people asked Walter Reuther how he was going to collect dues from those automata and Walter Reuther answered how are you going to sell them cars. It is also so that Newsweek said that the Ford …
For a quarterly to indulge in a retrospect after two years of existence might seem a little premature. But those who know the difficulties of publishing a magazine like DISSENT may forgive us the indulgence. Besides, there may be some …
The Federation of Atomic Scientists has issued an appeal to the United Nations to investigate the danger that continued test explosions of the hydrogen bomb may result in unpredictable genetic damage to the human race. This appeal, which has been …
Why do you write? To communicate. And when you write, are you consciously partial to certain classes of readers? To the discontented ones, to men and women who are reflective. What have your books to offer such people? …
“Welcome to Freedom Village” Helen Mears MUCH HAS BEEN WRITTEN about the failure of the West to gain the “minds and hearts” of Asia. The major reason for this failure, however, is ignored: the extreme divergence of U. S. practice …
This first issue of DISSENT contains 112 pages. We hope to stabilize the magazine at 96 pages each issue. To a large extent, the size will depend on the response we get from our readers. Though our life is now …
The accent of Dissent will be radical. Its tradition will be the tradition of democratic socialism.