On Socialist Thought Editors: Dissent is to be commended for publishing Robert Heilbroner’s essay and the critical responses to it. The essay and the various responses go to the heart of some of the most troubling aspects of the socialist tradition. It seems to …
Editors: A few observations on the discussion of pornography in your Spring 1978 issue (“The Problem of Pornography,” by Murray Hausknecht, with comments by Lionel Abel, George P. Elliott, Cynthia Fuchs Epstein, Irving Howe, and David Spitz). With regard to …
Editors: A few observations on the discussion of pornography in your Spring 1978 issue (“The Problem of Pornography,” by Murray Hausknecht, with comments by Lionel Abel, George P. Elliott, Cynthia Fuchs Epstein, Irving Howe, and David Spitz). With regard to David Spitz’s piece, surely Milton …
On Eurocommunism Editors: Never-being-tired-with-being-always-duped: now this seems to me a fair, even though not very courteous summary of the long history of attitudes a significant part of the Western left kept displaying for several decades in face of Communism. Every …
Editors: Boris Souvarine (Dissent, Summer 1977) twists Solzhenitsyn’s somewhat mythological Lenin in Zurich into a springboard for a peculiarly lopsided account of the evidence for the German subsidy to the Bolsheviks in 1917-18. The tone of this lopsidedness is set …
Editors: William Kornblum, writing in the spring Dissent on “Why the Insurgents Lost in Steel,” offers some, but by no means all, the reasons why Lloyd McBride soundly defeated Ed Sadlowski in the Steelworkers’ union election. As one who was …
Editors: Philip Green’s discussion of Arthur Jensen’s work [in the Spring, Summer, and Fall 1976 issues of Dissent] does not lead the reader to a very accurate understanding of what this work is about. A proper summary of it would …
Editors: The articles by Philip Green are long, and heavily documented, but Mr. Green seems not to have decided whether he is writing facts or polemics. As there are too many points of controversy to go into all of them, …
On Jimmy Carter Editors: It seems to me that Mario Soares, speaking from far-off Portugal, showed more understanding about Jimmy Carter and the 1976 elections than those Dissent editors who were wringing their hands and expressing various degrees of distress …
Editors: In Mr. Connolly’s review of Kevin Phillips’s Mediacracy (Winter 1976), he lists the “areas of greatest McGovern strength” as “New England, the upper Midwest, and the Pacific Northwest.” Perhaps this is merely an example of a reviewer conveying without …
Index, the admirable English quarterly devoted to freedom of expression throughout the world, prints in a recent issue a group of jokes from totalitarian (or, as in the case of Greece, recently dictatorial) countries, and prefaces the selection with a …
On Equality Editors: It is perhaps symptomatic of a tragic flaw in the otherwise excellent thinking in Steven Lukes’ article on “Socialism and Equality” that he misrepresents the position of C. A. R. Crosland on the question. Mr. Lukes appears …
On Facts and Figures Editors: The article [“Is Equality a Necessity?”] by Herman Miller in the Winter 1975 issue of Dissent is disturbing. By far the largest part is devoted to telling us that income and wealth are unequally and …
Chomsky and Draper Editor: In the Winter 1975 issue of Dissent, there is a “Public Notice” consisting of a paragraph from a review of my book Peace in the Middle East? by Theodore Draper, in which he alleges that my …
On HHH Editor: I think that Marvin Rosenberg–in his letter in the Spring 1974 issue–was justified in protesting that Senators Jackson and Humphrey should not be lumped together as supporters of the Viet- namese War. (Admittedly this was not a …