A Petition Against the Government-Sponsored Violence in Iran
A Petition Against the Violence in Iran
A Petition Against the Violence in Iran
Partial Readings: Gutenberg’s Paradise
Partial Readings: The Kremlin’s New Henchmen
Partial Readings: After Wall Street
Partial Readings: You Are What You Wear
After Gaza: R. Wolin speaks with M. Walzer
Partial Readings: Exit Morality
Should We Stay in Afghanistan? A Panel
Partial Readings: The Mussolini from Caracas
What We Really Should Have Done with the Banks
Employee Free Choice Act: Historians Petition Congress
Should We Still Make Things? A Symposium
This is the first issue of Dissent published by the University of Pennsylvania Press. Penn Press will be taking over the entire business end of the magazine—production, circulation, subscription fulfillment, advertising, permissions, and promotion. The new cover by the Penn …
Karl Kautsky on the 1921 Invasion of Georgia
Is the Conservative Era Over? A Dissent Video