The End of Marcuse  

Herbert Marcuse: An Exposition and a Polemic, by Alasdair Maclntyre. New York: Viking Press. 114 pp. $1.65. Herbert Marcuse compels attention because he is, or is said to be, one of the more influential social philosophers of our time. Yet …

Pure Tolerance: A Critique of Criticism  

Ever since men climbed down from the trees and found it necessary to establish ground rules, they have fought over hat those rules shall be. They have fought longest, and perhaps most bitterly, over the most fundamental rule of all—the …

Conservatism and the Medieval Mind  

if some of the more extravagant reviews of Bertrand de Jouvenel’s Sovereignty are to be believed, this book is nothing less than a classic. The London Times Literary Supplement proclaimed it “a remarkable achievement . . . a great work …