A Landmark Decision  

The U.S. Supreme Court’s June 29 abortion decision in Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pennsylvania v. Casey almost certainly guarantees that the central core of the Court’s 1973 holdings in Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton will never again be …

Civil Rights Potpourri  

Taylor Branch’s massive Parting the Waters aspires to be “a history of the civil rights movement” formed out of “knitting together a number of personal stories,” first and foremost that of Martin Luther King, Jr. Branch emphasizes that the book …

Hoover’s FBI  

Richard Powers’s valuable and well-balanced biography of Federal Bureau of Investigation Director J. Edgar Hoover reminds us of the two foremost themes that any analysis of the FBI’s role in twentieth-century American politics must confront: how the Bureau’s biases generally …

A Sharp Critique of Jesse Jackson  

Jesse Jackson is an important figure in American politics and a 1984 presidential candidate who stands ready to repeat that race in 1988. Nonetheless, Jackson is not a credible, legitimate, or desirable leader for black America, argues black Yale political …