On The Anatomy Of Castroism  

Castroism: Theory and Practice by Theodore Draper Frederick A. Praeger, 280 pp., $5.95 Theodore Draper, the noted historian of the Cuban Revolution, has grouped his most recent thought in Castroism: Theory and Practice, a series of essays, some already printed …

A Fabian Program For America  

In the Spring of 1962 a serious attempt was made to create a Neo-Fabian Society in New York City. Spearheaded by Robert B. Silvers, an editor at Harrier‘s, William Phillips, co-editor of Partisan Review, Stanley Plastrik, an editor of DISSENT, …

A Cuban Dialogue  

I hadn’t seen Mario since he fled Cuba. “Hola, Mario,” I said. “It’s been a long time.” “Manuel!” he said, hugging me. “What brings you to New York? I just asked Raul Chibas last week why I hadn’t heard from …

Fidelism as Faith  

THE CUBAN STORY by Herbert L. Matthews. George Braziller, 1961. Herbert L. Matthews, the New York Times correspondent whose 1957 interview with Fidel Castro in the Sierra Maestra Mountains was a key step in the rise of the Cuban leader, …

A Journey To Cuba  

Ever since Francis Bacon in The Wisdom of the Ancients revised the earliest myths of the race in order to make man over, it has been a habit of the modern mind to interpret actions in the form of myth. …