On Monday, maybe a million black men will march on Washington. Coming after the O. J. Simpson verdict, the march promises to be a pivotal moment in our nation’s life. As the writer Greg Tate has rightly noted, the verdict …
The fundamental task of the left has always been to create the conditions that make it possible for ordinary people to live lives of decency and dignity. I believe this task is best achieved—or has a better chance of being …
Irving Howe was the towering public intellectual of his generation. He was a grand long-distance runner whose commitment to the life of the mind and social justice was absolute. He reveled in an intellectual playfulness characteristic of a true lover …
Recent discussions about the plight of African Americans—especially those at the bottom of the social ladder—tend to divide into two camps. On the one hand, there are those who highlight the structural constraints on the life chances of black people. …