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Healthy Signs  

The Affordable Care Act is deeply flawed, but it has nonetheless made healthcare cheaper and more accessible for millions.

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Wage Woes  

Unemployment is at its lowest since 1969, yet the average American worker remains badly underpaid. Why?

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Them That Has, Gets  

There is no starker measure of inequality in the United States than net wealth—and over the last four years, the divide has only grown.

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What’s the Matter with Iowa?  

Having gained “trifecta” control over the state’s government in November, Iowa Republicans are implementing a big-business agenda with astounding speed—and devastating implications for workers.

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The Triumph of the 1%  

A new study by Thomas Piketty and his colleagues shows that American inequality continues to rise, with no sign of abating.

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Red Lines, Black Lives  

A new digital archive reveals the extent of the federal government’s role in fueling and enforcing midcentury housing discrimination.

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Ferguson Digs In Its Heels  

The city of Ferguson has reneged on its promises to reform policing practices. Its current standoff with the Justice Department reveals the stubbornness of a municipal system that combines handouts to big corporations with predatory fines for the poor.

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Ferguson Revisited  

One year after the death of Michael Brown, the conditions that made Ferguson shorthand for economic, political, and carceral injustice remain unchanged.

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Border City Blues  

It is no coincidence that the starkest reactions to police violence—from Ferguson to Baltimore—have flared in cities strung along the Mason-Dixon Line.