Does Insurance Coverage of Abortion Matter?
Carole Joffe: Does Insurance Coverage of Abortion Matter?
Carole Joffe: Does Insurance Coverage of Abortion Matter?
Carole Joffe: The ?Protect Life Act?
Carole Joffe: Lessons from the Philadelphia Abortion Clinic Disaster
Carole Joffe: For ?Pro-Life? Republicans, Human Life is Cheap
We’ve got to keep our patients safe, and our doctors out of jail.” The speaker is a physician who performs abortions at a large clinic on the West Coast. Her remarks come at a professional meeting attended by many abortion …
Progressives and Abortion
Despite opinion polls that consistently show the majority of Americans supporting abortion, the status of legal abortion seems more precarious than ever. Anti-abortionists in Congress are proceeding on two fronts to outlaw abortion altogether: with a constitutional amendment banning abortion …