A Strike Against Trumpism at Columbia
Faced with the unionization of its graduate workers, Columbia University has aligned itself not with free speech and enlightenment, but with the Trump administration.
Faced with the unionization of its graduate workers, Columbia University has aligned itself not with free speech and enlightenment, but with the Trump administration.
As Stuart Hall told the story, the New Left began in 1956. In the course of a few early November days, British, French, and Israeli forces responded to Nasser’s closing of the Suez Canal by bombing Cairo and invading Egypt …
Richard Dienst’s The Bonds of Debt tells a series of intertwined but also divergent stories, all drawing us deeper into the mysteries of social life under capitalism but each gripping in its own distinct way. It’s not every writer in the Marxist tradition who has the courage to enter into mysteries he may not be able to elucidate, to tell stories that may not end by cohering as fully as he would like.