B.J. Widick (1910-2008) 
B.J. Widick recently passed away at the age of 97. His death brings to a close the rich and lengthy life of a notable figure in the trade union and socialist movements. Born in a Serbian village in 1910, Widick …
B.J. Widick recently passed away at the age of 97. His death brings to a close the rich and lengthy life of a notable figure in the trade union and socialist movements. Born in a Serbian village in 1910, Widick …
A Covert Life: Jay Lovestone, Communist, Anti-Communist, and Spymaster by Ted Morgan Random House, 1999, 402 pp., $29.95 American labor has played a central role in U.S. foreign policy over the past six decades. Yet because of the difficulties in …
Spain last year commemorated the fiftieth anniversary of the beginning of the Civil War. The occasion elicited a massive outpouring of articles, memoirs, books, conferences. The bloody events were re-examined and scrutinized, but one would have had to look far …
The national elections of October 28, 1982 opened a new chapter for post-Franco Spain. After 37 years in exile and barely six years since rejoining political life at home, Spain’s Socialist party (the PSOE—Socialist Workers’ party) found itself catapulted into …
Since taking office last December, Spain’s new Socialist government has accorded foreign policy a central role. This signifies quite a turnabout. For, ever since the beginning of this century—excepting the Civil War of the 1930s—Spain has been rather a passive …
Since taking office last December, Spain’s new Socialist government has accorded foreign policy a central role. This signifies quite a turnabout. For, ever since the beginning of this century—excepting the Civil War of the 1930s—Spain has been rather a passive …
In Spain, the democratic transformation continues to have a churning effect on many aspects of life. The vicissitudes of change are having their greatest impact in the political sector, as the various parties now strive to align ideologies with the …