B.J. Widick (1910-2008)  

B.J. Widick recently passed away at the age of 97. His death brings to a close the rich and lengthy life of a notable figure in the trade union and socialist movements. Born in a Serbian village in 1910, Widick …

The Spy Who Stayed Out in the Cold  

A Covert Life: Jay Lovestone, Communist, Anti-Communist, and Spymaster by Ted Morgan Random House, 1999, 402 pp., $29.95 American labor has played a central role in U.S. foreign policy over the past six decades. Yet because of the difficulties in …

The Spanish Civil War Revisited  

Spain last year commemorated the fiftieth anniversary of the beginning of the Civil War. The occasion elicited a massive outpouring of articles, memoirs, books, conferences. The bloody events were re-examined and scrutinized, but one would have had to look far …

Spanish Socialists in Power  

The national elections of October 28, 1982 opened a new chapter for post-Franco Spain. After 37 years in exile and barely six years since rejoining political life at home, Spain’s Socialist party (the PSOE—Socialist Workers’ party) found itself catapulted into …

Spain, The U.S., and Latin America  

Since taking office last December, Spain’s new Socialist government has accorded foreign policy a central role. This signifies quite a turnabout. For, ever since the beginning of this century—excepting the Civil War of the 1930s—Spain has been rather a passive …

Spain, the U.S., and Latin America  

Since taking office last December, Spain’s new Socialist government has accorded foreign policy a central role. This signifies quite a turnabout. For, ever since the beginning of this century—excepting the Civil War of the 1930s—Spain has been rather a passive …