A Word to Black Students  

This is Mr. Rustin’s adaptation of a commencement address he gave at the Tuskegee Institute on May 31, 1970. He is the executive director of the A. Philip Randolph Institute. Your generation has lived through a period of unprecedented upheaval. …

The Tragedy of Negro Youth  

The black slum proletariat has been growing in numbers and density. As agricultural mechanization and other factors continue pushing Negroes out of the South, the urban ghettos expand each year by half a million; only 40,040 Negroes annually find their …

The Ambiguous Legacy of Malcolm X  

Now that he is dead, we must resist the temptation to idealize Malcolm X, to elevate charisma to greatness. His voice and words were cathartic, channeling into militant verbiage emotions that might otherwise have run a violently self-destructive course. But …