“Market Socialism” and “Free Economy”  

An attack on “market socialism” is now coming from a number of East European economists, converts to free-market ideology, who usually express regret at their own “naive” illusions of earlier times about the “reformability” of Soviet-type “socialism.” A leading exponent …

The Problems of Perestroika  

This essay examines three broad questions: First, what part—and how much—of the Soviet economy is in need of reform; second, what kind of reforms have been proposed; and third, are the projected reforms viable and will they work when (and …

Feasible Socialism?  

One of the most important and stimulating books on the problems of socialism written during the last few decades is Alec Nove’s The Economics of Feasible Socialism, published in 1983 by George Allen & Unwin, Ltd., London, and Allen & …

A Word From Alec Nove  

Let us now imagine the reaction of a reviewer, writing in an imaginary journal that we will call the Revolutionary Worker. (I have never heard of one with that title, and hastily apologize to its editor if by any chance …