The United States: A Foreign Policy

The United States: A Foreign Policy

“New Frontiers” and “Leadership” will now replace the golf links and committee rule. Taking, for the while, at face value the claims of the new administration, I wish to present my own bill as a simple voter, who is especially concerned with U.S. foreign policy. I do not speak of any agonizing reappraisal; in many areas it is too late for that. Whatever merit the criticisms of NATO, German rearmament and the common market may have had in the past, these decisions have been made and are irreversible. I shall instead name a few questions which demand immediate answers. I shall not name those which the United States or its President are not free to decide by themselves, but only those on which a decision can be expected from the new President.

The most important decision affecting the stature of the United States in the world is a domestic one. The world expects a “New Frontier” in race relations. The previous administration has advanced equa...