The Real Postmodernist

The Real Postmodernist

The two appear to have nothing in common but an appearance on David Letterman’s The Late Show. Relaxed, smoking a cigar, and toying with the host, she broke the record for vulgarity on network television. Smiling nervously and awkwardly swinging his hands, he stood at a distance from Dave, shouting “Patooki” to illustrate one of the top ten ways of mispronouncing his name. She, of course, is Madonna—flamboyant celebrant of out-of-wedlock birth and virtually all other transgressions of papa’s preachings. He is George Pataki, the staid governor of New York, recently elected in part for his promise to punish illegitimacy and restore respect for conventional conduct. Beneath these stylistic differences lies a common force—postmodern capitalism. It is a truly revolutionary force; both Madonna and the governor are, as their supporters claim, revolutionaries.

Madonna’s revolutionary credentials are validated by postmodern intellectuals and academics...