Shalom, Israel

Shalom, Israel

With the following article we continue our discussion, from various points of view, of the problem of war and peace in the Middle East. We welcome comment from readers who disagree with M. Lapierre; some may be interested in turning back to an article by Abraham Friend, in our July–August issue. which presents a more positive view of the Israeli position. Meanwhile, it is worth noting that despite his criticisms of the Israeli government, M. Lapierre has come under attack from New Left students in Paris, who recently engaged in a disgraceful exhibition of hooliganism to disrupt his thesis defense at the Sorbonne. Many of us are likely to disagree at one point or another with M. Lapierre’s views, but the kind of methods employed against him make rational discussion impossible and lead to one or another kind of totalitarianism. On p. 521 will be found an account of the violence directed against M. Lapierre; that account first appeared in Le Figaro and was then ...