Salute to Michael Kazin
Salute to Michael Kazin
As Michael Kazin retires as co-editor, his Dissent colleagues pay tribute.

In his first Editor’s Page for Dissent in 2009, Michael Kazin commented on the disappointment many felt after the election of Barack Obama. “His 2008 campaign, remarkable as it was, did not revive the grassroots Left,” he wrote. “Unions do what they can, but most still struggle to survive. And the fragmented nature of the progressive blogs and the nongovernmental organizations cannot generate the visibility or influence of a growing insurgency.”
What a difference eleven years makes! The political terrain has transformed, and the grassroots left has been reborn. Although we still face disappointments and defeats, amid horrors old and new, Dissent (and dissent) has grown.
Michael has guided us through it all. He has been a model of conviction without dogmatism, boldness without adventurism, listening without passivity, dissent without venom (at least, not for the undeserving). We are sad to see him go, and look forward to many more years of contributions to Dissent.
Good luck, comrade. We’ll see you at the next editorial board meeting.