The Social Implications of Freudian “Revisionism”  

Psychoanalysis has changed its function in the intellectual culture of our time, in accordance with the fundamental social changes that occurred during the first half of the century. The collapse of the liberalistic era, the spreading totalitarian trend and the …


The [Summer] issue, on Africa, was highly revealing and dramatic. I was impressed with the eloquence of Peter Abrahams’ statements. There was, however, one remark to which I objected. In replying to a question as to his opinion on whether …

Memory Hole  

This carefully laundered selection from the cultural journal of American Stalinism during the 1930s has been put together by one of its early editors, one of the few who never kicked the totalitarian habit. North has excerpted material (some of …


I wish to compliment you on the Summer, 1961 issue of DISSENT. It is a constructive, revealing, often startling portrait of a city written by men and women who care about both its present and future. I was especially impressed …


I have read most if not all of the press response to Dissent as of this writing, and I think the comments which most deserve study are those expressed in the February issue of Commentary.