The Mexican Revolution Today  

The revolutionary movement, as a search for—and momentarily finding of—our own selves, transformed Mexico. To be oneself is always to become that other person who is one’s real self, that hidden promise or possibility. In one sense, then, the Revolution …

Teaching Negro History  

Like other minorities, black Americans have a history of their own peculiar sufferings and peculiar experiences, as well as special forms of resistance or of protective evasion. But this history is distinguished from the history of all other minorities in …

The Communist Collapse  

SEPTEMBER 7, 1991 The remarkable events in the Soviet Union since the failed coup of August 18–remarkable both for the depth and rapidity of change-make it almost reckless to venture a serious comment as we prepare this issue of Dissent …

Paul Goodman Replies  

I don’t want to answer Mike Walzer in any detail, since much of what he says by way of criticism I also strongly affirm in my book—he is not a close reader. Perhaps I write too much in the old …

Universities and Intellectuals  

Schools reflect a culture; they do not transform it—Unsigned review, The New Yorker, November 16, 1963. A university should not be a weather vane, responsive to every variation of popular whim. Universities must at times give society, not what society …

My Kaduchas And Yours  

In a recent issue of Commentary, Norman Podhoretz published an article called “My Negro Problem—and Ours.” In it he told about the time a bunch of Negro kids clobbered him when he was a little boy in Brownsville, and how …