Ghosts, Fantasies, and Hope  

For most of my politically conscious life,the idea of social transformation has been the great taboo of American politics. From the smug 1950s to the post-Reagan era, in which a bloodied and cowed left has come to regard a kinder, …

Michael Walzer Responds  

I AGREE WITH Jim Rule on the wrongness of Israeli settlement policy. I don’t believe, as he suggests, that ending American support for that policy would reduce hatred for the United States in the Arab and Muslim worlds. People who …


Editors: Alfred Kazin (“They Made It,” Dissent, Fall 1988) suggests that I find the legal execution of innocents “acceptable” in the implied sense of “unobjectionable, “wherefore I am despicable. This is an adscititious misinterpretation. In the context “acceptable” meant “predictable” …