Disastrous Job Losses in Michigan  

It was expected that General Motors would announce plant closings. But when the announcement came last November, the scale was astounding: 29,000 workers in 11 plants laid off. Almost two-thirds of the affected unionized workers (17,450) live in Michigan. As …

China: A Specter Is Haunting Communism  

It’s almost as though an “iron law” operates in all the communist countries, varied though they are. They seem haunted by the specter of democracy, especially when they seek to reform their moribund economies. Their economic growth and individual well-being …


Editors: Julian Mayfield’s letter rebutting Lewis Coser’s assessment of his piece in the “Young Radicals” symposium was printed without comment, I suppose, on grounds that it damns itself. It does. One hates to fall back on labels, but the fact …

Whose Taxes, Whose Economy?  

Make no mistake about it—the great American economy is stumbling over its feet. Between 1958 and 1962, according to the Council of Economic Advisers, the gap between what we produced and what we could have produced amounted to almost $1000 …

The Mexican Revolution Today  

The revolutionary movement, as a search for—and momentarily finding of—our own selves, transformed Mexico. To be oneself is always to become that other person who is one’s real self, that hidden promise or possibility. In one sense, then, the Revolution …

Teaching Negro History  

Like other minorities, black Americans have a history of their own peculiar sufferings and peculiar experiences, as well as special forms of resistance or of protective evasion. But this history is distinguished from the history of all other minorities in …

The Communist Collapse  

SEPTEMBER 7, 1991 The remarkable events in the Soviet Union since the failed coup of August 18–remarkable both for the depth and rapidity of change-make it almost reckless to venture a serious comment as we prepare this issue of Dissent …