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China’s Feminist Five  

China’s younger generation of feminists pose a unique threat to the Communist Party. By celebrating single, queer, and often child-free women, they are challenging government edicts that marriage and families are the foundation of the country’s political stability.

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Rethinking Populism  

Donald Trump’s candidacy may have peaked. But, from the United States to Britain and beyond, the discontent fueling the far right won’t fade so quickly. Can a new, left-wing populism seize on it—and rebuild democracy in the process?

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Gender Trouble in Poland  

Poland’s proposed abortion ban is part of a broader attack on women by the right-wing PiS government, which has sought to banish the word “gender” itself from the country’s vocabulary. But Polish feminists and their allies are fighting back.

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Freedom from Abstraction  

The Four Freedoms: Franklin D. Roosevelt and the Evolution of an American Idea by Jeffrey A. Engel Oxford University Press, 2015, 248 pp. The Fight for the Four Freedoms: What Made FDR and the Greatest Generation Truly Great by Harvey …

The Breadwinner-Homemaker Trap  

Finding Time: The Economics of Work-Life Conflict by Heather Boushey Harvard University Press, 2016, 360 pp. What Works: Gender Equality by Design by Iris Bohnet Harvard University Press, 2016, 400 pp. [contentblock id=3 img=html.png] To illustrate the tensions between work …

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Steady Work  

When left activists divide their energies between the immediate present and the distant future, we miss the necessary political work between now and then.

Family Portrait  

Mom Relaxing My Hair, 2005, by LaToya Ruby Frazier. © LaToya Ruby Frazier. At first, you might feel you are intruding. This is a private moment. A mother helping her daughter prepare for the outside world. On the table, tools …

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Statelessness: A Forgotten Crisis  

The Nubian community has lived in Kenya for over a hundred years, yet many became stateless after Kenya’s independence in 1963. For years, Nubian youth had to go through a nationality verification process called “vetting” in order to obtain a …

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Britain’s London Problem  

June 24 On June 23 the UK voted to leave the European Union after thirty years of a halting, sometimes noble, often messy experiment in international cooperation. In my circles—professional, well-educated, Cambridge and London—the principal reaction was incredulity. How could …