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Between the Lines  

A new collection of Elena Ferrante’s correspondence and interviews illuminates how Ferrante pulled away from a male-dominated tradition to define her own genre of popular feminist literature.

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Love’s Labor Earned  

How might we compensate women’s emotional labor? Unlike the wife bonus, robust public services would benefit all women.

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Beyond Liberal Internationalism  

In embracing the hegemonic role of the United States in the world, defenders of liberal internationalism have left us with a foreign policy of expansive militarism and endless war that is neither liberal nor internationalist.

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The Left That Never Was  

In 1998, many North American and European intellectuals hailed the emergence of a new Latin American left when Hugo Chávez ascended to the presidency of Venezuela. When Evo Morales became president of Bolivia in 2006, and Rafael Correa won the …

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New World Disorder  

Systems of government are scraping against each other like continents grinding at a fault line. The noise they make announces a new world disordered. These clashes are not just because of Vladimir Putin or the new hard-line Chinese leadership of …