
Russia: Methods of Analysis In his article (DISSENT, Summer 1954) Mr. Deutscher asks whether a higher level of civilization corresponds to a higher level of economic development and whether a mass increase in literacy induces progress toward democracy. To such …

An Interview with Ignazio Silone  

Why do you write? To communicate.   And when you write, are you consciously partial to certain classes of readers? To the discontented ones, to men and women who are reflective.   What have your books to offer such people? …

The Economics of Joseph Schumpeter  

When an economic theory successfully fuses into one vast system the ideas that an economy continuously reproduces itself without altering levels of production or consumption patterns, that perfect balancing of economic forces is attainable, that the prime movers in economic …

Socialism and the Welfare State  

The following article is a condensed version of a pamphlet entitled Is This Socialism? recently published in England and written by G. D. H. Cole. Though clearly intended as part of the discussion preceding the Labor Party conference this fall, …

The American Student: A Profile  

During the past few years a number of articles have appeared characterizing the “younger generation” as one which does not “issue manifestoes, make speeches, or carry posters,” a generation silent and undissenting. Thornton Wilder has argued in Harper’s that this …

And Can There Be Peace?…  

Mr. Deutscher’s able paper raises a number of problems which certainly go far beyond the immediate purpose of his analysis; yet they go right to the heart of the question which prompts him and others to discuss the future of …

But on Other Terms…  

Mr. Deutscher’s article provides so welcome a relief from the tedious speculations, prophecies, and ritualistic expressions of horror which nowadays pass for analysis of Russian society in the pages of American publications, that one is tempted to relax into unqualified …


“Welcome to Freedom Village” Helen Mears MUCH HAS BEEN WRITTEN about the failure of the West to gain the “minds and hearts” of Asia. The major reason for this failure, however, is ignored: the extreme divergence of U. S. practice …

Mental Hospitals and Social Theorists  

A short time ago there appeared a 126-page monograph modestly entitled “Psychosis and Civilization” and written by Herbert Goldhamer and Andrew Marshall. This rather specialized statistical study, which would ordinarily be discussed only in the technical journals, was reviewed, somewhat …

The Future of Russian Society  

The views of Isaac Deutscher, author of biographies of Stalin and Trotsky, on the future developments of Russian society have already occasioned much controversy. The article printed below presents what is perhaps the most systematic and concise exposition of his …

The Problem of U.S. Power  

The uneven development of world economy has resulted in a disastrous split between the industrialized West and primitive East; but it has also brought another split, at the moment quite as important, between the United States and its own allies. …

The Age of the Informer  

Such is the nature of the operations of the Communist party that all evidence about its key work must necessarily come from informers—that is, from those who have seen it from the inside. As Burnham points out, the pejorative connotations …


CLASS, STATUS AND POWER: A READER IN SOCIAL STRATIFICATION. Edited by Reinhard Bendix and Seymour Lipset. The Free Press. Glencoe, Illinois. 725 pp. $6. Though designed as a college text, this book is so excellently done that it will interest …