Jean Cocteau tells the story of a young governess in a school in pre-revolutionary Russia, who found the task of disciplining her turbulent pupils beyond her powers. She therefore hit upon the expedient of persuading her pupils to draw up …
“Nero, too, was a product of his epoch. Yet after he perished his statues were smashed and his name was scraped off everything. The vengeance of history is more terrible than the vengeance of the most powerful General Secretary. I …
THE NORTH AFRICAN peoples have a common destiny. In Tunisia, after the arrest of the Chenik government came oppression, with all its violence. After the assassination of my friends Ferhat Hached and Hedi Chaker, there was virtually war. In Morocco, …
No matter how one examines the Algerian problem it has clearly become so serious that, asp in the case of Vietnam, a political solution must now take precedence over any other. There is no longer any need to prove the …
Not only are the people of Algeria underemployed and undernourished, but they are frustrated in almost every attempt to escape as individuals from the dismal fate of idleness. Like the conquered Poles in Hitler’s Germanic Empire, the Mohammedans of Algeria …
Casting an indulgent eye on the merry-making of Flemish peasants, Breughel found it brutish, vulgar, lusty, gluttonous, bibulous and, possibly, dulling. Yet, nothing in his canvases suggests the suspicion that the feudal lords might have devised the popular culture of …
No sooner had the upheavals in Asia that followed upon the Second World War begun to subside a little than new and still more elemental social forces made themselves felt in the world. Africa, oldest of the continents in terms …
When I was in Africa in 1954, I met a white South African business man who was spending a few days in Port Gentil looking after his timber interests. He was a man of realistic and conservative opinion; his attitude …
THE PATTERN OF WORLD CONFLICT. By G. L. Arnold, New York: Dial Press, 250 pp., $4.00. The series of wars and revolutions that mark twentieth century history show no sign of having exhausted themselves. No sooner do the power blocs …
The French government insists that Algeria is part of France. History shows that Algeria never was French and that the Algerian nation is an historic fact whose existence has been either concealed or disfigured. Before its conquest Algeria was a …
I Question: Mr. Abrahams, what does Africa mean to you? Answer: It means the people I know most intimately, the people with whom I grew up. It’s emotional; subjective. It is one of those complex things that goes into the …
Which shall one stress—the extent to which important changes have occurred or the extent to which Russian society under Khrushchev remains continuous with that under Stalin? It depends on the frame of discourse. In trying to foresee the consequences of …
Algeria is the key to the North African question. It is through her that the French will either perish or come back to life. Heaven knows, it is not a matter of abandoning the security, honestly acquired property and legitimate …
Each night, in the midst of exhausting work, I try to state the problem anew, to gather the threads, to see my way clear. What can I tell you that you don’t know? Nothing. The frightening atmosphere—the climate of hate …
Africa is a figment of the white man’s fears. Actually, there is no political, economic or social unit which can be called Africa; there is only a collection of colonial areas, emerging states, tribal divisions, towns, villages, cities. Even as …