South Africa: Ordeal and Hope  

I Question: Mr. Abrahams, what does Africa mean to you? Answer: It means the people I know most intimately, the people with whom I grew up. It’s emotional; subjective. It is one of those complex things that goes into the …

Notes on the Russian Turn  

Which shall one stress—the extent to which important changes have occurred or the extent to which Russian society under Khrushchev remains continuous with that under Stalin? It depends on the frame of discourse. In trying to foresee the consequences of …

The Negro and the Church  

One of the anachronisms of life in this city is the device used to enforce segregation on the buses: a small wooden sign marked “For Colored Only” with two pegs that fit in slots on the backs of seats. This …

The Importance of Being Radical  

The question, why be radical?, is more urgent today than in those more stringent times when radicalism tended to be instinctive. Especially for the intellectual who finds easy employment in a time of know-how-to-no-purpose, the question is pressing and doubly …

Reverberations in the North  

What has been most depressing, and at times downright infuriating, about the recent discussions of the problem of integration is that the terms of discourse tend increasingly to be those of the Southern enemies of equality for the Negroes. And …

Reflections on the H Bomb  

1. The modern Infinite. Faust Is dead If there is anything that modern man regards as infinite, it is no longer God; nor is it nature, let alone morality or culture; it is his own power. Creatio ex nihilo, which …

The Bus Boycott in Montgomery  

MONTGOMERY, ALA. Suddenly, Montgomery, Alabama, has become one of the world’s most interesting cities. It is a handsome little town, restful for an ex-urbanite. In its center is a spacious circle with gently flowing water-spray, covered by soft lights in the evening. From it …

How Digital Were My Computers?  

True enough the Ford people asked Walter Reuther how he was going to collect dues from those automata and Walter Reuther answered how are you going to sell them cars. It is also so that Newsweek said that the Ford …

Spain: Twenty Years After  

The civil war in Spain ended twenty years ago. That’s what people say. Practical and realistic men view war as a sport. When a public game is over the people cheer the winner. Those present in the stadium go home. …