Djilas And The Lies Of Half-Truth  

Milovan Djilas is in jail once more, this time because he has published, during the era of deStalinization, a book with unflattering recollections of Stalin. As he himself remarks, there is little new in what he says. Anyone who remembers …

A Note On South East Asia  

Our fact-oriented Administration might consider the folIowing facts in evaluating its interventionist policy in South East Asia (Laos, Vietnam, and Thailand): • Since 1954 we have spent over $2.5 billion (by the end of this year it will be $3 …

The Young Radicals: A Symposium  

Since the Second World War the American radical has had the unenviable task of having to advocate socialism in the midst of capitalist plenty. So unrewarding have been his efforts that nowadays he hardly talks about socialism at all, but …

The Young Radicals: A Symposium  

1) The term “radical” as most of today’s young radicals apply it to themselves is adequately defined by any standard dictionary— going to the roots of social problems, demanding a change in the very nature of existing society. However, in …

The Issue of Goa  

Dear Plastrik: Thank you for your cable of 19th inst. I find it difficult to understand what the dismay is about. Goa, Diu and Daman were three Portuguese possessions in India. After the British and the French left from India, …

The Young Radicals: A Symposium  

What makes me identify as a radical is the conviction that something new must be added to the American calculus of goods and bads, rights and wrongs. I have an uneasy sense of a whole nation skating lightly over a …


Editors: I had planned to let my subscription expire, but your Winter issue was so good that I changed my mind. I was particularly interested in the correspondence between Irving Howe and Paul Goodman on the family. Apparently both men …

From “AA” to “Zyryanovsk”  

MCGRAW-HILL ENCYCLOPEDIA of RUSSIA AND THE SOVIET UNION, edited by Michael T. Florinsky. New York: A Donat Publication. McGraw-Hill. Illus., maps. xiv + 624 pp. With this new Encyclopedia at hand, it seems inconceivable that we had to make-do without …

A Marx One Can Love  

MARX’S CONCEPT OF MAN, by Erich Fromm (with a translation from Marx’s Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts by T. B. Bottomore). Frederick Ungar, New York, 1961. 260 pp. Hearing the old Lutheran chorals in a Bach oratorio, one is astonished to …