A Protest and Reply  

Editors: The Congress for Cultural Freedom protests an implication in Paul Goodman’s interesting article, “The Devolution of Democracy.” It denies the implication of…


A Protest and Reply Editors: The Congress for Cultural Freedom protests an implication in Paul Goodman’s interesting article, “The Devolution of Democracy.” It denies the implication of being anybody’s “instrument.” Its activities (and publications) are the result of precisely the …

Shaping India’s Future  

BLOSSOMS IN THE DUST, by Kusum Nair. London: Gerald Duckworth & Co., 1961, 201 pages. In Western countries, the phrase, “revolution of rising expectations” has suddenly become very popular in regard to newly emerging countries in Africa and Asia. It …

How Wilful Is Wayward?  

THE PRESS, by A. J. Liebling. Ballantine Books, 1961. From his “Wayward Press” articles in the New Yorker, A. J. Liebling has put together a damning book. But it will hardly surprise his readers who, after all, also read the …

How To Succeed In Bilking, Etc.  

THE GENTLEMEN CONSPIRATORS, by John G. Fuller. Grove Press, Inc. In one of his lively discourses on contemporary socioeconomic trends, Professor James Riddle Hoffa, summa cum laude, of the Graduate School of Hard Knocks, declared in 1961 that, “the zillion …

Politics And The Rule Of Law  

POLITICAL JUSTICE. THE USE OF LEGAL PROCEDURE FOR POLITI CAL ENDS, by Otto Kirchheimer. Princeton University Press, 1961, 452 pp. At the outset, Dr. Kirchheimer explains that his title refers not to “the search for an ideal order” but to …

Skeletons In The Affluent Closet  

THE OTHER AMERICA, by Michael Harrington. Macmillan, 1962. 191 pages. WEALTH AND POWER IN AMERICA, by Gabriel Kolko. Frederick A. Praeger, 1962. 178 pages. Those who have been preoccupied by the marvels of American affluence often forget that beneath it …

To Get People Moving  

UTOPIAN ESSAYS AND PRACTICAL PROPOSALS, by Paul Goodman. Random House. 289 pp. 1962. Some of the “practical proposals” in Paul Goodman’s collection of essays are: Solve the traffic problem by banning private cars from Manhattan; rebuild a few of America’s …

A Letter To Stalin  

HONORED JOSEPH VISSARIONOVITCH: One who has been condemned to the supreme punishment—the writer of this letter—appeals to you for commutation of his punishment. My name is no doubt known to you. For me, a writer, to be deprived of the …

A French Painter Visits Moscow  

I went to Moscow, invited by the General Commissariat of Expositions, to talk to the Russians about painting. As my theme I had chosen “the artist and the world today.” This would allow me to touch upon delicate subjects such …

The Politics Of Oil  

For over a decade American social scientists have been developing a theory of political pluralism which claims that real political power is parcelled out, more or less equally, among the various groups and classes of American society. At the same …

The Sickness Of The Unions  

After years of effort and expense, the Fund for the Republic’s Trade Union Project is coming to an end. One of the rare products of this concentration of talent, resources, and contemplation is a 75-page booklet by Solomon Barkin, “The …

Format And Anxiety  

I don’t much look at the movies, television, or the other popular arts covered by Show magazine. About once a year my wife and I go to a movie to see what that is like. Occasionally, if I am immured …