Capital Punishment And Warden Duffy  

88 Men and 2 Women by Clinton T. Duffy and Al Hirshberg Doubleday, 1962. 88 Men and 2 Women is a journalistic chronicle of the execution chambers of the sovereign state of California. Its author—a jailer who has won wide …

And We Are Frightened  

One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich by Alexander Solzhenitsyn, translated by Ralph Parker Dutton, 160 pp., $3.95 One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich by Alexander Solzhenitsyn, translated by Max Hayward and Ronald Hingley Praeger, 210 pp., …

Prospects For The New Nations  

I take issue with Lewis Coser on the following major grounds: 1) He discusses the political evolution of the developing countries in isolation from their ties, past and present, with  the West. Yet, their prospects cannot be assayed without examining …

Modern Africa: The Pains Of Birth  

Colonialism in its classic form is dead, but the spirit lingers on in the policies and presuppositions of the ex-colonial powers, and infects, also, the American consciousness. Lupine journalists, catching the scent of our malaise, and pets of the liberal-conservative …

Notebook: Letter From Australia  

In Australia no less than in other Western nations, radicalism took a beating from the apathy of the fifties. The rot set in after the fall of Prime Minister Chifley’s Labor Government in 1949. It was stayed briefly by the …

Notebook: Managers And Machines  

The threat of cybernetics to jobs has been apparent for some time; not only factory-workers and clerks are affected, but also the “middle managers” (cf. Irving Howe’s “Cybernation: the Trauma that Awaits Us,” Dissent, Spring, 1962). Computers do indeed make …

Notebook: Does Public Ownership Still Matter?  

Anthony Crosland is the ablest and most persuasive spokesman of the British Labor party’s “New Right,” notably that section of it which is also pro-European and skeptical of what Mr. Gaitskell on a recent occasion described as “an independent foreign …

The Image Of The Adolescent Minority  

In our society there are two kinds of minority status. One of these I will call the “hot-blooded” minorities, whose archetypical image is that of the Negro or Latin. In the United States, “Teen-agers” are treated as a “hot-blooded” minority. …

The New Peace Movement Part II  

As nuclear energy and rockets are again revealing, science itself is intrinsically more revolutionary than any ideology or political or social movement. Merely trying to adjust to new scientific and technological discoveries imposes a perpetual revolution on modern societies. (Consider, …

Gaullism And The “Machiavellian Left”  

On February 15,1963 the arrest of several army officers and their accomplices aborted a new attempt on the life of General de Gaulle; the eighth such attempt since he took power on May 14, 1958. Go back to the remotest …

A Revival Of Radicalism?  

How many readers can recall the intellectual atmosphere in this country at the time Dissent started publishing, almost a decade ago? It was a moment of retreat, even rout. A good many intellectuals formerly of the left were engaged in …

On David Siqueiros: A Dilemma For Artists  

I have been asked several times during the last years to sign a statement requesting the Mexican government to release the painter Siqueiros from prison. He has been sentenced for a long term because he led a violent demonstration against …

En Route to Victory  

Jim Peck is one of those remarkable men who make us all feel a little more human and dignified. Like his colleagues in CORE, he didn’t need the bona fides of 53 stitches in his head, earned on a Freedom …