Berkeley in February  

The dominant system of society is critically dependent on the schools, especially the universities. Schools provide the brainpower for the scientific technology. They are wistfully expected, beginning with age 3, to bring everybody into the mainstream of economic usefulness; and …

Vietnam: The Costs and Lessons of Defeat  

These remarks, unavoidably, are being written about a month before they will be read. In the interim, changes are likely to occur in the Vietnam crisis. But the fundamental facts, precipitated by years of political reaction and  obtuseness, are not …

The Prospects for Pluralistic Communism  

The history of World Communism, conceived as a united movement with a common doctrine and strategy formulated from a single center, is at an end. One hundred years after the foundation of the First International and fifty years after Lenin …


Editors: May I say a word in reply to Arthur Waskow’s criticism of my criticism of the prevailing trends in peace research? Mr. Waskow tilts at a straw man. The instances he cites in no way rebut my basic criticism …

Briefer Notice  

The Rise of the Soviet Empire by Jan Librach Praeger University Series, 380 pp., $2.50 The following statement appears on page 77 of this book: “It is possible that the Kremlin, fearing the adverse effect a Communist rule in Spain …

Comprehending the Incomprehensible  

Blood from the Sky by Piotr Rawicz, translated by Peter Hays Harcourt, Brace & World, 315 pp., $4.95 The Journey and the Pity by Pawel Mayewski Charles Scribner’s Sons, 178 pp., $1.65 The furor aroused by the publication of Hannah …

On American Labor “Scholarship”  

Democracy in the International Association of Machinists by Mark Perlman Wiley, 1962, 113 pp.  This little piece of work was commissioned by the Trade Union Study of the Fund for the Republic; and it is depressing to think that with …

The Church and the State  

The Catholic Church and Nazi Germany by Guenter Levy McGraw Hill, 1964, 416 pp., $7.50 Both irony and justice attend the world-wide public trial which the Papacy and the German Catholic Church are now undergoing for their conduct during the …

A Major Work in Radical History  

The Making of the English Working Class by E. P. Thompson Pantheon Books, 1964, 848 pp., $15.00 Industrial society was born in Great Britain in the years between 1780 and 1832; E. P. Thompson’s brilliant new work is the best …

Alienation, Community, Freedom  

In his attempt to define an organic “structure of feeling” in 19th century social thought, a structure capable of supporting the political Left and Right alike, Raymond Williams brings together much material that is of deepest interest to anyone who …