Dispatches From Kiev  

KIEV, 24 November 1964. (AUP) Peace descended again this morning on the campus of the University of Kiev following a night of all-out battle between students and the constituted authorities….

The Student State of Mind  

Nearly everyone who has tried to account for the recent uprising on the Berkeley campus has drawn a picture of students struggling for identity in a vast, impersonal educational and research factory run by IBM cards, remote professors subsidized by …

The Alliance for Progress  

We viewed the original Kennedy program for Latin America (Alliance for Progress) with a good deal of scepticism, but welcomed the proclaimed ideals behind it. For one thing, it gave recognition to the fact that money and grants in themselves, …

Does the Goldwater Movement Have a Future?  

Seymour Lipset has argued, in Encounter, that the Goldwater movement has significance chiefly as the last desperate gasp of a dying social grouping, the final effort of traditional, Protestant, small town, inner-directed America before it succumbs to the assaults of …

Michael Walzer Responds  

There is one major difficulty with Irving Howe’s statement. He fails to grasp the significance of the most important point he makes: that in Vietnam the national liberation movement was from the beginning led by the Communists. There, in a …

What is New About Selma?  

The murder of a human being is never to be dismissed, especially of one like the Rev. Reeb. Yet that is not new, and probably it will happen again, many times, before the Negro liberation movement gains its complete victory. …

The Breakup of the Soviet Camp  

The breakup of the Communist camp in the 1960s is an event of world historic importance which may well rank with  such crucial turning points as the break between the Western and the Eastern Church, the Reformation, or the halting …

The Apostate Muslim  

The murder of Malcolm X cannot be reduced to an incident in an underworld conflict over material loot or social spoils. The sophisticated and intelligent ex-con who had been rebaptized Malcolm X by the Black Muslims, was publicly killed for …

The Ambiguous Legacy of Malcolm X  

Now that he is dead, we must resist the temptation to idealize Malcolm X, to elevate charisma to greatness. His voice and words were cathartic, channeling into militant verbiage emotions that might otherwise have run a violently self-destructive course. But …

Dispatches From Kiev  

Kiev, 24 November 1964 (AUP) Peace descended again this morning on the campus of the University of Kiev following a night of all-out battle between students and the constituted authorities. The events of the night reached a climax when masses …