Modern Society: An End to Revolt?  

One Dimensional Man: Studies in the Ideology of Advanced Industrial Society by Herbert Marcuse Beacon Press, 1964, $6.00 Herbert Marcuse’s latest book is an essay in pessimism so profound that it is contradicted by the act of writing it. For …

Stalin, Bukharin, and History as Conspiracy  

The following essay, a detailed examination of the 1938 Moscow Trial at which Nikolai Bukharin was the major defendant, is presented here not only for its intrinsic interest, but as a contribution to the discussion of totalitarianism which has been …


Editors: Mr. Greenebaum is entitled to his opinion of my book: The Rise of the Soviet Empire, A Study of Soviet Foreign Policy [DISSENT, Winter 1965]. However, he takes advantage of an obvious printer’s error (1934 for 1936) to argue …

Briefer Notice  

This pamphlet by the distinguished English economist reached DISSENT with a letter from the Monthly Review requesting our appraisal. Our editor referred it to this reviewer as the only member of the DISSENT editorial board who was once in China …

Writing Up a New Day  

SNCC: The New Abolitionists by Howard Zinn Beacon Press, 1964, $4.95 “SNCC is Willie Shaw in jail in Belzoni, Mississippi!” So a veteran staff worker triumphantly ended a five-minute soliloquy during a SNCC conference last November. The inevitable applause burst …

A Mighty Story Retold  

TOIL AND TROUBLE: A History of American Labor, by Thomas R. Brooks; foreword by A. H. Raskin. New York: Delacorte. xx + 800p. $6.00. There are Civil War buffs who read and reread the chronicles…

Partial, Passionate, and Political  

THE ANXIOUS OBJECT: ART TODAY AND ITS AUDIENCE, by Harold Rosenberg. Horizon Press. 270 pp. Illus. $7.50. I praised Harold Rosenberg’s first volume of criticism (The Tradition of the New) for…

Modern Society: An End to Revolt?  

ONE-DIMENSIONAL MAN: STUDIES IN THE IDEOLOGY OF ADVANCED INDUSTRIAL SOCIETY, by Herbert Marcuse. Beacon Press: 1964. $6.00. Herbert Marcuse’s latest book is an essay in pessimism so profound…

The Breakup of the Soviet Camp  

The breakup of the Communist camp in the 1960s is an event of world historic importance which may well rank with such crucial turning points as the break between the Western and the…

The Apostate Muslim  

The murder of Malcolm X cannot be reduced to an incident in an underworld conflict over material loot or social spoils. The sophisticated and intelligent ex-con who had been rebaptized Malcolm X…

The Ambiguous Legacy of Malcolm X  

Now that he is dead, we must resist the temptation to idealize Malcolm X, to elevate charisma to greatness. His voice and words were cathartic, channeling into militant verbiage emotions that…