Code 77: A Report from Watts  

The looted stores are still vacant and the burned-out ones still heaps of rubble. But an ironic and ludicrous quality pervades Watts, for hoardes of investigators, analysts and reporters have descended upon the area with clip boards, tape recorders and …

Free Elections for Dominican Republic  

U.S. policy in the Dominican Republic may take a slight turn for the better with the transfer of Ambassador Tapely Bennett to Portugal, a country that shares his antipathy to democracy. The reasons for the current “rethinking” in Washington are …

The Buddhist Revolt in Vietnam  

Something important is happening in South Vietnam, even if its exact nature is not yet clear. The demonstrations in Saigon and Hue, the consolidation of the Buddhist factions into an apparently united force, the visible weakness of Ky’s military government …

A Critic of Literature and Politics  

Conor Cruise O’Brien, at least on the international scene the radical-liberal intellectual par excellence, has recently published a new collection of articles and speeches, Writers and Politics. As a United Nations official effectively in charge of the UN’s Congo operation, …

Hannah Arendt Answered  

Never, to my knowledge, in the history of intellectual controversy has any book met such devastating refutation as Hannah Arendt’s Eichmann in Jerusalem in Jacob Robinson’s critique, And the Crooked Shall Be Made Straight.* After Robinson’s argument not a single …

A Report on the LID  

The first year of the effort to reinvigorate the League for Industrial Democracy has been completed. It is time to take stock. When Michael Harrington was named LID Chairman in September, 1964, and a young staff took over the office, …

Who Should Control Education?  

American liberals have traditionally believed that many of the country’s problems were susceptible to gradual and comparatively painless solution by combining education and technological innovation. In part, this assumption is  correct. But most of America’s problems are rooted not in …

In Defense of the Negro Family  

The Moynihan Report employs supposed inadequacies of the Negro family as an explanatory tool for understanding why the Negro has not taken his place fully in the economic structure of our society. Presumed family pathology  particularly illegitimacy, is said to …