
Editors: I’m damned if I can reconstruct the reasoning that went into the editorial caveat preceding Laura Carper’s sensitive article in your last issue. Certainly not “controversy.” The piece in answer to Hannah Arendt (also an excellent article) has involved …

What Passes for Labor History  

Tentacles of Power: The Story of Jimmy Hoffa by Clark R. Mollenhoff World, 415 pp., $6.50 Hoffa and the Teamsters: A Study of Union Power by Ralph C. James and Estelle Dinerstein James Van Nostrand, 430 pp., $6.95 Clark R. …

A View of How It Was  

Starting Out in the Thirties by Alfred Kazin Atlantic Monthly Press, 1965, 166 pp., $4.95 Having no intention of irony, I would say right off that the most impressive quality of Alfred Kazin’s memoir of his young intellectual manhood is …

“Sickness” and Rebellion: East and West  

Ward 7 by Valeriy Tarsis E.P. Dutton, 159 pp., $3.50 The chaos and bestiality, some of it under medical auspices, that characterized Nazi totalitarianism has been rather thoroughly documented. Having lost the war, Germany was exposed to the scrutiny of …

Collective Bargaining Through Education  

Our neighborhood school, P.S. 29, is 75 per cent Negro and Puerto Rican, mostly Puerto Rican. The kids are a tough lot, coming from the tenements off Columbia Street, which runs south from Atlantic Avenue along Brooklyn’s waterfront into Red …

On Cannibals and Christians  

List the symptoms. We live in a time which has created the art of the absurd. It is our art. It contains happenings, pop art, camp, a theater of the absurd, a homosexual genius who spent thirty years as a …

The Myth of Peasant Revolt  

Only rarely does a book immediately convey a sense that it will rank among the influential works of the time. Frantz Fanon’s The Wretched of the Earth is just such a book. It is badly written, badly organized and chaotic. …

The Idea of “Community”: A Critique  

The “loss of community” in modern society has become a major theme in contemporary social criticism. One could even say that the discipline of sociology begins with a concern over the decline of such traditional forms of association as small …

Prodigal Fathers and Existential Sons  

A university as politically engaged as the University of California cannot help but become egocentric. Politically involved students automatically become the center of their own universe. The old joke about the Polish scholar who was doing a study of the …

U.S. in Vietnam: Rationale and Law  

A peaceful settlement of the Vietnam war requires some initial conception of a reasonable bargaining position for  both sides. In my judgment, the United States has not sufficiently shown that it understands or is prepared to negotiate on such a …

Going Back South  

On important holidays and especially at Christmas, the buses and trains leaving the North and heading South are heavy-laden with what seems like an infinite assortment of black people. They are young and old, good, bad, indifferent. There are children …

On Theories of Automation  

That the machine does in fact displace workers had been directly experienced during the Industrial Revolution by  hand loom weaver and Luddite. Yet economists have always persisted in consoling workers with the optimistic notion that in the long run new …

Bogalusa: The Economics of Tragedy  

The press has done justice to the woeful catalogue of demonstrations, shootings, and court injunctions suffered by this papermill town in the past year. There has been little exploration, however, of the causes of Bogalusa’s agony: automation, economic frustration, and …