The Perplexities of Italian Communism  

On the first anniversary of Togliatti’s death, the Communist magazine Rinascita published a letter from his successor,  Luigi Longo. Several months before he was mortally stricken in a Soviet sanitarium Togliatti informed his then deputy of the rapid worsening of …

Tito, Rankovic and All That  

For some years now it has been assumed that when the Peoples’ Democracies of Eastern Europe are compared, “they order things better in Yugoslavia.” One begins to doubt it. Since the beginning of 1966 a number of extraordinary sessions of …

How The Cry of Black Power Began  

When the cry of “black power” burst upon the American landscape, some observers ran for the hills or their shotguns, fearing it signaled the beginning of a racial war. Others, like the new leaders of CORE, hailed it as the …

The Oswald Case Should Be Reopened!  

No matter what one thinks about the criticisms now circulating in regard to the Warren Commission Report, one thing is clear: the assassination of President Kennedy has not been satisfactorily explained. We reach this conclusion without judging the theories advanced …

Whose Script Are They Shooting By?  

To some people the growing escalation of the Vietnam War means a rain of napalm, mangled children, human torment, and the dread prospect of a new world war. To others it means something else. “Military planners” and certain kinds of …


Editors: In his interesting discussion on Frantz Fanon’s The Wretched of the Earth (DISSENT, May-June 1966) Lewis Coser expresses the hope that Fanon’s “destructive vision” may lead Western men to compassion, to a sense of fraternity and a lack of …

Apropos In Cold Blood  

Truman Capote’s meticulous story of a quadruple murder on the Kansas plain, its instant success, and some of the critical reactions to it raise a number of thoughts and questions. To take the success first, can it primarily be attributed …

Hands: A Story  

“You, Serge, are an intellectual, and you’re polite, we all know that. That’s why you keep quiet and don’t ask any questions. But our boys from the factory, they ask right away. ‘Well, Vaska,’ they say, ‘so you got drunk …

American Catholics Turn Left  

At the 1950 meeting of the Catholic Press Association, the featured speaker of the program was a man at the peak of his influence—Senator Joseph McCarthy. When he was accorded a standing ovation only two people kept their seats, the …

Poland: The Crime of Opinion  

Accused of distributing a 128-page pamphlet “detrimental to the interests of the Polish state and dealing with political and social relations in Poland,” over a dozen members of the Polish Communist party were arrested in Warsaw in April 1965.* In …