Apropos In Cold Blood  

In Cold Blood by Truman Capote New York: Random House 343 pp. $5.95. Truman Capote’s meticulous story of a quadruple murder on the Kansas plain, its instant success, and some of the critical reactions to it raise a number of …

Where Shall Liberals Go?  

Seldom have American liberals been so feverishly divided about anything as they are today about the Administration’s Vietnam policies. The rough consensus that liberals had arrived at on both domestic and foreign  policy issues has been rudely shattered by the …


Editors: The issues between me and Mr. Hoffman (DISSENT, July—August 1966), each as representatives of points of view, are so important, I believe, both for the fate of academia and the moral texture of our society, that I think space …

Who Plans The Planners?  

Modern Capitalism by Andrew Shonfield Oxford University Press, 456 pp., $4.50 Modern Capitalism describes how advanced capitalist nations manage their economic affairs. It explains how the Germans control their full-employment, rapid-growth economy, how the Swedes retrain labor, how the French …

Major Work On A Major Figure  

Rosa Luxemburg by J.P. Nettl Oxford University Press, 984 pp., $20.20 By the standards of vulgar Hegelians, such as E. H. Carr, this book should never have been written. Hegelians are concerned with the history of those movements and persons …

A Call To End The Draft  

When the American Civil Liberties Union affirms that “compulsory military service, whether in time of peace or war, is always a severe deprivation of civil liberties,” neither the liberals of the Left nor democratic socialists take sufficient heed. We tend …

The White Problem  

As demographers had predicted ever since the 1960’s, many American cities are now predominantly negro, and have elected Negro mayors and city councils. This has generated widespread unrest among the minority White population, and as a result, the worried mayor …

The Contract State  

Government has become the economy’s largest buyer and consumer. The government contract, improvised, ad hoc, and largely unexamined, has become an increasingly important device for intervention in public affairs, not only to procure goods and services but also to achieve …

Pure Tolerance: A Critique of Criticism  

Ever since men climbed down from the trees and found it necessary to establish ground rules, they have fought over hat those rules shall be. They have fought longest, and perhaps most bitterly, over the most fundamental rule of all—the …

Brownsville: A Neighborhood in Trouble  

In Brownsville, a section of Brooklyn once almost entirely Jewish but now radically changed, the War on Poverty is a misnomer. The wars that occur in Brownsville are mostly wars of the poor against the Economic Opportunity Board and the …

How to Succeed in Antipoverty Without Really Trying  

How do you get into the antipoverty business? In Brooklyn the Bedford—Stuyvesant YMCA, proposing TRY (Training Resources for Youth), may have come up with an ingenious solution. It merely takes a powerful board of directors and an initial investment of …

A Ministry of Hope  

Little by little, everything that troubles America has become the concern of the Office of Economic Opportunity. Two years ago the OEO was simply a federal command post for the War on Poverty, hardly a modest operation at that. It …