The Spectacle is Over  

To nobody’s surprise, the amiable man of limited educability and his venomous protege won themselves a thumping victory. Ike, the charismatic non-leader, “manifested” himself here and there, brought his magic aura with him, smiled and tranquilized a restive people. While …

On the Nature of Freedom  

“Liberty,” Herbert Marcuse writes, “is self-determination, autonomy … But the subject of this autonomy is never the contingent, private individual as that which he actually is or happens to be; it is rather the individual. . . who is capable …

What is Happening in China?  

The Great Cultural Revolution which vents its ire against capitalistic hairdos, blasphemous traffic lights, Western books, and revisionist street names baffles the old China hands in Moscow, Washington, and even Havana. What is the meaning of these youthful Red Guards …

Marxism: An End to Revolution  

In the late nineteenth century, Marxism was superimposed on an already formidable revolutionary movement in France. Marxism claimed the faith of proletarians and revolutionary intellectuals alike, as the union of theory and practice which the movement required but would not …

SNCC in Trouble: A Report from Atlanta  

The role of SNCC in the so-called Atlanta riots of September, 1966, gives some perspective on the black-power debate. In the first place, “riot” was probably too strong a term by ghetto standards. There was relatively little firebombing and property …

A Tribute to a Brave Man  

Those who do not know the name Mihajlov, will have to conjure with it before long. Not since Milovan Djilas, a symbol of much that is best in politics, has a Yugoslav citizen asserted his humanity with such conviction and …