The New Shape of American Politics  

The losers of the 1966 Congressional elections are easy enough to identify. They include the black and white poor, the Negroes generally, both unorganized and organized wage workers, people who live in cities, liberals, radicals, etc. By and large the …

In the Land Without Soviets  

This past summer I spent a few weeks in the Soviet Union. I visited Moscow, Leningrad, and Sochi, the Black Sea resort. It was an illuminating experience. I shall set down here my first impressions, with all their limitations and …

The Morality of Scientific Technology  

It is becoming common among philosophers to treat the progress of science and the proliferating system of technology as the now determining cause of history, autonomous and underlying like the Marxist “relations of production,” but narrower than that, less dependent …

I.S. 201: Disaster in the Schools  

On the first day of the Spring semester in 1964, the New York public school system was struck by a boycott through which citywide organizations managed virtually to empty every ghetto school. The object was integration; the results were eight …

To Willy Brandt: A Note of Recollection  

This may be the right time to remind you of the occasion when we first met. I guess it was sometime in the middle of 1929, when worried young German Socialists convened a powwow to think of ways to save …

An Open Letter to Chancellor Kiesinger  

My dear Mr. Kiesinger: Before you are elected Federal Chancellor tomorrow, I venture a last attempt, before the widest public, to make you see reason. I belong to that generation whose fathers, the men of your generation, wittingly or unwittingly …

The Ben Barka Affair  

Only muffled echoes of the great scandal in recent French politics have reached the United States. Below, our Paris correspondent reports on the Ben Barka affair, but first it may help to provide some preliminary information. Ben Barka, leader of …

Venezuela: Progress and Trouble  

Venezuela has twice suffered an abrupt intrusion of the technology and culture of more highly developed societies. The Spanish invasion suddenly introduced a European way of life into a country in the same latitude as Guinea—that is, into an environment …

The Pathos of “Black Power”  

Clearly, the slogan reflects strong emotions. In its very vagueness, it is like a cry of deliverance. Whether it can lead to a strategy for action is another question. Because I favor the substance of black power, I am dubious …

The People’s Symphony: A Tribute  

For the better part of twenty years my wife and I have attended, often with our friends, occasionally with our children, a chamber music series in Manhattan’s Washington Irving High School, off Union Square. The series, incorporated in 1900 by …

On Tolerance and Freedom  

I could hardly expect that a journal named DISSENT should review our little book favorably, but I assumed that it would choose a reviewer who could read. Professor Spitz imagines that my essay is an attack on Mill. In fact, …

Keynes and the Future of Capitalism  

Sooner or later someone was apt to characterize the contemporary era as the age of Keynes. It was back in the 1930’s that capitalism  seemed to have come to a dead end: the great productive system of the West had …

Mao as Philosopher King  

Franz Schurmann’s book appeared just as the long overdue reexamination of America’s China policy began. The timing could hardly have been more opportune. For Schurmann has produced the most significant study to date of contemporary China, a book valuable to …


Editors: You have published a good deal of material on Vietnam, and Irving Howe’s articles analyze the situation well. His analyses seem to lead to definite conclusions, but he has shied away from making such conclusions. Some individual editors have …

U.S. Economic Policy: From FDR to LBJ  

None of the basic issues in economic policy have been resolved in the years during which the Democrats have governed; wage and price norms, the distribution of the tax burden, the level and direction of public expenditures, all remain controversial. …