Single-Payer or Bust
By providing a single tier of coverage to all, with automatic enrollment, comprehensive benefits, and no cost-sharing, single-payer provides a distinct, egalitarian vision of universality.
By providing a single tier of coverage to all, with automatic enrollment, comprehensive benefits, and no cost-sharing, single-payer provides a distinct, egalitarian vision of universality.
Imagining a low-carbon world means revisiting our conception of freedom itself.
Progressive critics of secularism argue that the Protestant origins of religious liberty make it corrupt beyond saving. But to achieve real pluralism, should the left abandon the concept altogether?
Doomsday prepping has long been associated with the right. Why is it catching on among liberals?
Profiteering is distorting the response to the opioid epidemic as much as it shaped its origin.
The genius of Donald Glover’s Atlanta is to show the surreality of black life in America.
As the old neighborhood gentrifies, its transatlantic spirit lives on as the influence of black culture grows—from Lagos to London, from Havana to Atlanta.
What can account for the worldwide impulse to rebel? Fifty years after 1968, a personal reflection on the Columbia University uprising.
In his survey of the writing of dictators, Daniel Kalder is so dismissive of the tyrants’ actual ideas that it becomes difficult to understand why they had any power in the first place.
Now we know the issue that unites women across workplaces is abuse by more powerful men, how do we come up with demands that move beyond naming and shaming?
Channeling the anti-Trump #Resistance, a slew of recent books seeks to reduce democracy to a defense of political “norms.” But overcoming today’s crisis will take more political imagination.
It is in the interest of women of all generations to invent a complex, resistant, and sexually curious strain in feminist thought and action. History can show us how.
“Jilly determined to wait at least four hours before checking the status of her farewell post so she wouldn’t look desperate, but then she remembered that she didn’t have long left. . . .” A short story.
Inequalities in oral health and dental access reflect our deepest social and economic divides.
In the fight for healthcare for all, single-payer and immigrant rights activists face serious obstacles, but also the opportunity to demonstrate the benefits of true universalism.