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Crisis Cranks  

Economists Posner and Weyl’s book Radical Markets attempts to make sense of the current moment and propose a way out, but their unorthodox proposals come up short.

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Who Counts?  

The refugee camp and its inhabitants at Piraeus Port, where Plato set the Republic, evoked a fundamental political quandary: who is included in democracy and who is left out?

Voldemort Politics  

“I don’t even say his name,” the finance bro told me as we made awkward small talk at the birthday party. Not that we would need to. He’s Donald J. Drumpf, Adolf Twitler, Covfefe in Chief, and whatever else the …

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After the Pink Tide  

To confront the newly powerful extreme right in Latin America, the left needs a clear-eyed understanding of its time in power.

Introducing the special section of our Winter issue.