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Let Them Eat Tech  

Tech-oriented solutions to rural poverty and underdevelopment have become hallmarks of Democratic Party policy thinking. We need an alternative that redistributes the wealth generated by the high-tech sector—and recognizes its limits as a development strategy.

Why the Left Needs Liberals  

Every reform era came about, in the main, when left-wing movements compelled liberal politicians to back some of their key demands and then collaborated with those lawmakers against their common foes.

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Solidarity’s Promise  

In the photo above, taken on May 1, 1989, Jacek Kuroń, a leader of the democratic opposition in Poland, marched with Solidarity, a movement he was instrumental in building. The demonstration came on the eve of victory for Poland’s anti-authoritarian …

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Design for a Green Future  

The Green New Deal will require us to revolutionize the design professions, untethering them from the whims of private clients and capitalists and reorienting their work around movements for housing justice, environmental justice, and workers.