Old Millennial Yells at Cloud
Good politics don’t protect you from the pathologies of the internet.
Good politics don’t protect you from the pathologies of the internet.
If Charlottesville can’t remove its Confederate statues, then at least its residents can work to undermine their message.
The contrasts between North Americans moving south and Central Americans traveling north, or Western migrants frolicking on Thai beaches while Burmese refugees languish in camps, are numerous and stark.
Prison construction becomes an attractive proposition in the face of poverty and the absence of other forms of private or public investment. To fight mass incarceration, we need different avenues for rural economic development.
Dag Solstad is widely considered Norway’s most accomplished living writer, in part because of how his writing has intertwined with the fortunes of the Norwegian left.
Refusing to hold Israel to the standards to which we hold all other states would be wavering in our commitment to freedom, democracy, and equality. (With a reply from Michael Walzer.)
What’s wrong with anti-Zionism is anti-Zionism itself. (With a response from Joshua Leifer.)
The 2016 electoral map, with its seas of rural red, has served as the basis for a misleading and simplified shorthand for urban and rural life. These maps suggest different approaches.
The 2020 elections will provide plenty of opportunities for the left to test its vision and build its infrastructure in Texas—from the city to the state level, from inside the Democratic Party and out.
Responding to widespread popular discontent, Indira Gandhi marshaled the powers of the Constitution to suspend the rule of law. Her actions anticipated the crisis of democracy in India today.
XR promised to transcend politics as we know it. Yet politics has a stubborn way of catching up with those who disavow it.
The Green New Deal will need to be subject to constant vigilance and pressure—from experts who understand exactly what it will take, and from social movements that have decades of experience bearing the brunt of false climate solutions.
The bank bailouts began a crisis of legitimacy that shows no signs of abating. And few issues illustrate the dominance of economic power over participatory democracy better than central bank independence.
Few Green New Deal proposals include explicit attention to rural people and places. But a bold vision for rural America can challenge the ascendance of right-wing populism.
Our culture is saturated with media representations of young black men. Rarely do we see their lives unfold as they do in Hale County This Morning, This Evening—as full inhabitants of their own prosaic and grand humanity.