Essential and Untrusted
The pandemic has exacerbated an existing child care crisis. Platforms like Care.com are growing, while exposing care workers to new forms of surveillance and discrimination.
The pandemic has exacerbated an existing child care crisis. Platforms like Care.com are growing, while exposing care workers to new forms of surveillance and discrimination.
Homework and piece pay in the garment industry were largely abolished by the global labor struggles that preceded the New Deal. Silicon Valley capitalists have brought the model back.
Today, inequality—especially racial inequality—is not only produced through the job market but through people’s ability to hustle.
Introducing our Fall 2020 special section, “Technology and the Crisis of Work.”
Working on Dissent has been both a great pleasure and a ceaseless responsibility. It is time to let others have all the fun and carry most of the burden.
Since March, the hosts of the Belabored podcast have been reporting on about what workers are facing during the crisis, and how they have been fighting back. Read four of their stories here.
As Michael Kazin retires as co-editor, his Dissent colleagues pay tribute.
By ignoring demands to release incarcerated people during the pandemic, prison administrators and elected officials relegate them to mass death under the fatal logic of public safety.
For growth at any cost to become the only realistic basis for collective well-being, other forms of knowledge had to be suppressed or purged—recast as superstitious or irrational.
If Democrats take back political power in November and want to seriously address the plight of migrants and the undocumented, they’ll need to rebuild immigration policy from the ground up.
The diversity of the initial roster of Democratic presidential candidates pushed all of them to speak about their commitments to battle racism and gender inequity. But it wasn’t enough to transform the political landscape in which they competed.
America’s trail systems embody a conservationist ethic in support of leisure. Their construction was the essence of public work: not for profit but a common good.
Two recent books put the reemergence of anti-immigrant sentiment in the Trump era into historical relief.
Both romantic and working relationships are under extraordinary pressure. Can we seize this moment to reclaim our hearts from our jobs?
Once a major influence on Jair Bolsonaro, Olavo de Carvalho’s ambition is to establish a new right-wing, nationalist cultural hegemony in Brazil.