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After Globalization  

Neoliberal globalization shifted the social risks of the economic system away from companies and the wealthy and toward workers and citizens. As this system unravels, leftists must develop a politics of social protection to counter a surging right.

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A New Era?  

The work of the left at this moment is to understand what new spaces have opened up and how to build upon them.

Introducing our Winter 2022 special section, “Beyond Bidenomics.”

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China’s Market Reformers  

While China is often seen as an outlier from neoliberal trends, its transformation in recent decades was not at odds with tectonic shifts in the global system of growth but an essential part of it.

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An American Landscape  

In 1943, Ansel Adams traveled to the base of the Sierra Nevada to photograph Manzanar—one of the ten internment camps that together detained 120,000 Japanese Americans during the Second World War.