In Praise of 1984

In Praise of 1984

I envy the Russians. They destroy their discarded leaders. If a Khrushchev has to be deposed, he is utterly done in, made into an unperson, prevented from speaking in his own behalf, rendered incapable of hurling accusations against former associates and present successors, changed into a has-been from whom no dog will take a bone, and so discredited that no citizen will believe him should he try to spill any beans. By contrast, look at us. We would like to get rid of J. Edgar Hoover—but can we? Not as long as he has the goods on every politician.

His retirement is overdue. He has reached the age limit, and his hand has lost both its touch and its grip. A President is murdered, and his organization not only had neglected to take the most obvious precautions; after the deed it also failed to interview important witnesses and to collect useful information. Having received a slight rap on the wrists from the Warren Commission, Hoover showed his irritation and broke precedent t...