Discourse and Democracy

Discourse and Democracy

George Lakoff’s Don’t Think of an Elephant!

Don’t Think of an Elephant! Know Your Values and Frame the Debate
by George Lakoff
Chelsea Green Publishing Co., 2004, 144 pp., $10.00


There are many approaches to democratic politics, but in the end only a few known recipes for success. One is to mobilize the base to increase voter turnout. Another is to reduce the opposition’s turnout (the darker art of vote suppression: see, Florida 2000, Ohio 2004). And a third, the focus of much political energy, is to try to win over the uncommitted middle. Other than stealing votes, there’s not much else to the game.

For the left, this is not a happy prospect. We might be forgiven for wondering if the votes are really out there for a progressive America. (But then, too much reality, as Freud warned, can lead to depression.) In any event, if the left is to revive, it must both expand and motivate its bas...