Black Youth and the NAACP

Black Youth and the NAACP

This past May the Legal Defense Fund of the NAACP organized a series of discussions on the present phase of the civil rights struggle, which brought out in sharp focus the divergent philosophies in the Negro community.

This past May the Legal Defense Fund of the NAACP organized a series of discussions on the present phase of the civil rights struggle, which brought out in sharp focus the divergent philosophies in the Negro community. The two discussions I attended may serve as examples.

The first dealt with the roadblocks in the path of `Black Business Enterprise.” Two substantial black businessmen, each self-made and heading a group of small and medium-sized enterprises, spoke for the American business myth. They felt there would be a good chance to develop capable Negro businessmen and managers, if only—by “compensatory action”—sufficient high-risk capital were furnished by the white business community. They stressed that...